Protect the wolves

Our Description of the Judas Wolf, now forever Changed, Humans improperly described them!

In Advocacy Groups, Our Sites by Twowolves1 Comment

Protect The Wolves

Good Morning to Everyone,after pondering the description for some time, we concluded We are Doing WOLVES a huge injustice in painting them as a “Judas”.  After all the wolf didnt have a choice!! Humans made it for them!

it is very sad but human nature is to associate the name with the biblical version of the description, thereby not lending them the credibility that we  here at Protect The Wolves think that they deserve!  People have been describing them as “Judas” its meaning is  a person or being that is treacherous enough to betray a friend;  thereby making them a “traitor” . For that reason alone this term couldn’t be farther from the truth!! These Wolves that HUMANS have turned into a tool, after watching their families murdered, go out seeking  their own kind again…. they are much likened to ourselves, but far superior in the devotion to their own…. simply want to be around their own kind… need human touch if you will…. just like we as humans do!

This poor wolf is in reality more properly termed an “A-carrier” for which we have shortened it just a bit for simplification purposes from an asymptomatic carrier : an individual in this case being a “wolf” who serves as host for an infectious agent (infectious agent = greedy humans) but who does not show any apparent signs of the illness; that will serve as a source of infection for others. 

In Our own fabled Fairy tale “Uncle Wolf” Our Character is better defined as “Grimm Wolf” . After all…. humans have turned them into that by their unfounded beliefs…. hey I’m just saying…. that it seems to be fairy-tales that spur the hatred of our beloved wolf, so why don’t we turn it around into a tale that is more likened to the truth for them, being the wolves 😉 In our tale for which we are describing the infection as “greedy lazy humans”…….

Throughout history in fairy-tales, the consuming idea in most variants is innocence versus seduction, but our “Uncle Wolf” story turns hunters from a self-proclaimed conservationist, adored by everyone (as they the “hunters” tell us), into a human who is both greedy and lazy ( a bit more truthful description}. While the other humans are true conservationists, the hunter has the audacity to go to the privy and fall asleep–thinking they are a truly deserving victim, especially in light of their other transgressions, which include a love of money, greed, but to name a couple. Their beliefs and practices couldn’t be farther from the factual truth

The only Innocence here was that of the wolves! We as a Human race are guilty of many things…. 1 of which is not properly managing Mother Natures creations because our governments are sadly greed and money driven…