Protect The Wolves® 3,000 – mile mission to save Wolves in Washington

In IUCNCongress, Len & Bill McIrvin Diamond M Ranch, Native American Religious Rights, Profanity Peak Pack by Twowolves1 Comment

WDFW Derelict in their Duties

Protect The Wolves® 3,000 – mile mission to save

Wolves in Washington

When Protect The Wolves® had the Vision that WDFW would attempt to slaughter the entire “Profanity Peak Pack” on July 19th, they reached out to all Conservation groups, Large and small, sadly with no response from any of them. When they heard that the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife was moving forward with plans to kill the entire Profanity Peak wolf pack after repeated attacks on livestock, the Native American Religious Group was outraged, as were all of our followers.

Protect The Wolves® began reaching out for Tribal support, to your surprise we might add that we are getting the necessary support to become effective, but not from Conservation groups as you would have thought or hoped, but Native American Tribal Groups. We have met with many Washington Tribal Elders that also share our position.. More to come on that in a later post 😉

Although We didn’t travel to rural Ferry County uninvited, in the northeast corner of Washington, to passively protest. We were invited there by a Local Resident, that sadly is now being harassed by neighbors, well I wouldn’t call those types of people friends or neighbors… We went there to get reactions to our offered solution from the Locals, that also seem to be quite disappointed in the recent National News coverage giving NE Washington area residents along with WDFW a huge black eye, but as far as we are concerned, they now have 2 black eyes. They should all be ashamed of themselves for not welcoming our provided solution on July 19th!

We gave Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife an alternative solution on the Telephone on July 19th, as well as emailed, then on the phone with Donny Martorello on August 22nd. At which time he said he didn’t know anything about Native American Treaty rights, to which we replied we will send you links to the information. Donny expressed an interest in speaking with another states Fish and Game Dept. regarding our Board member Jimmy Stgoddards conversation with them where they expressed an interest in working closely with us. However when we told him we only needed 2 days to set up the phone conference, Donny would not commit!! Donny then said it would most likely not help save the Profanity Peak Pack, to which we replied why not? Donny Martorello, was stammering and stuttering all the way through the phone call with both Patricia and myself. At that time we expressed an interest in participating in their Wolf Advisory Group, to which he actually invited us, but when we arrived at the Meeting on the 14th and 15th, he said that is not what he stated… Both Patricia and myself are fairly intelligent people…. We know what we had heard!

These ongoing issues with on Rancher and the wolves started in July, technically even before that looking into Resolutions passed by NE Washington Ferry County Commissioners that Dated back to 2014… when elected official Brian Dansel was also party to their pre-meditation of slaughtering the Profanity Peak Pack. Some of those commissioners have gone on to hold higher seats as elected officials in Washington State like Brian Dansel, whos signature we have located on a County resolution in 2014 showing their pre-meditation to Slaughter Wolf Packs in Washington State, or Joel Kretz, who openly brags on his own facebook page about , “ I Still have 15 minutes left to kill something before dark.”

When the Breeding female of the pack was wrongly targeted after a few of attacks on McIvrin’s cows, along with McIrvrins continued attitude both openly making threatening rants towards WDFW has created a strained relationship between the wolves and the local ranchers, residents etc.

It was brought to our attention that it is not only WDFW that has received this intimidating attitude by him, but lots of local residents as well. We were in hopes that when one of McIrvins Range riders according to Conservation NW at the Wolf Advisory Group Meeting, Arrow Scotten said that he would call us on the 16th after the meeting to speak personally while we were in Ferry County. We were in hopes that his words were true… but apparently he was just putting on a show in front of everyone present at the Wolf Advisory Group Meeting.

The day before yesterday a report came in that a dog had just been attacked by wolves only a mile from where we were staying in Ferry County… Without the proof, these insinuations continue against wolves which is why we need to continue to fight harder as well as louder when it comes to these types of incidents. You know it amazes me that they ask us not to post things that get people involved and educated on what exactly they are doing to our Sacred Wildlife, yet these types of individuals are ok with breeding the same hate that we are having to struggle even harder with.


  Apparently the Quad county area in Northeast Washington needs some more Nationwide exposure as to their treatment of our Sacred Wildlife. We promise to all of our Brothers and sisters, their babies that they have already been Slaughtered from above, shot, trapped, poisoned on the ground, that we will continue on until we prevail with a positive outcome for all that believe that our Wildlife needs to live without fear.



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