Protect The Wolves Asks for your help to get Proactive

In Profanity Peak Pack, Protect The Wolves, Save The Profanity Peak Pack, Washington by TwowolvesLeave a Comment

We need your Support today. A Resident in Ferry County has asked us to come meet with the Locals and Ranchers in the area. We all need to get more Proactive in the saving of wolves. We ask all to Join us, and those that have led the way in the Past in showing what “Standing for Wolves” truly means. If you will help us with these costs of Meeting with the Locals… We will escalate the saving of our Wolves to the next level, in hopes of having an immediate impact. We are about to ask the Range Rider that McIvrin sent over to take us into the area, so that we can show you all first-hand what is in fact happening, as well as the hopes of creating a Relationship directly with where our issues are coming from.

Please help us take this next step to go above what we have seen attempted this far by any Organization for this particular incident. If they accept our offer… We will begin a process that will hopefully stop this terrible Atrocity from occurring again in the Future.

WDFW claims it will take along time to answer the Questions posed even Yesterday, no even taking into account those of today. The Questions we will close out with today… will be a total of everything that we have witnessed so far in this current meeting.

Your Co-Founder Patricia spent a half hour speaking with him yesterday..  after an emotional comment that we saw truly effected him yesterday. Are we getting soft… we dont think so… what we are working towards is an answer to stop this from happening in the Future,and we feel that rather than sit by and watch our words fall on Deaf Ears…that We Lead by Example. By Going to the source of this Issue.

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