Protect The Wolves® is Excited to Announce a new Tool that we will be adding

In Protect The Wolves, Protect Washington Wolves by TwowolvesLeave a Comment

wana, wolves and native americans, wolf, protect the wolves, native american religious 501c3, wolf protection organization

Protect The Wolves® is excited to announce an additional tool that we will be adding to Our Toolbox that can be used for current news as well as an educational tool. The Days and times are still being worked out, however we hope that it will be a valuable tool for us all. Hopefully this will enable us to be able to have Guest Speakers, the inclusion of online educational programs, to educate not only on the importance of Wolves as a Sacred Species to everyone,  but also educate those to their vital role as a keystone Species in Our Environment. Protect The Wolves® will be bringing to you our Online Radio station “WANA” short for Wolves and Native Americans.

We have hope that it will be a valuable resource,  a tool which will enable us to reach out to Wolf Lovers not only in North America, but around the World. This will enable us to answer any questions you may have about wolves, or additional ways that you can help to save them.

We will most likely go live on Facebook to Announce the Date that “WANA” will have life breathed into it. We are working on growing our Voice in every possible way to Ultimately be the “Howl” thats heard Around the World.

Not only is WANA Short for Wolves and Native Americans, “WANA” is a term that collectively combines feelings of wellness, profound sense of elation, and general coolness. It was originally invented to express a feeling that was missing in general communication languages. The closest English synonyms would be words like cool rad ‘awesome’ ‘kick-ass’, however all of these words are missing the ‘Umf’ that “WANA” conveys.

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