Protect The Wolves® still questions Martorellos intentions

In Protect The Wolves by Twowolves1 Comment

wolf, wolves, protect wolves in washington,

Protect The Wolves® still questions Martorellos intentions from his utter failure last Year! Especially when he said he wasnt interested in relocating them to a Sanctuary as opposed to slaughtering them. Oh yes and Martorellos covering up the shooting of the one wolf that somehow they claimed they did humanely which somehow they couldnt seem to find. Is Martorello the kind of person You want managing wolves? He’s already a proven liar…. We don’t!!

DRAFT CONCEPTS AND FRAMEWORK FOR A 2017 – PROTOCOL Draft Version: March 14, 2017 Based on discussions with WDFW staff and external stakeholders, and in response to a request by WAG, WDFW has developed this draft concept and framework document to help facilitate the ongoing discussions and preparation for completing the protocol at the March 29-30 WAG meeting.

Communication about lethal removal operations: Before any lethal actions are taken, the department will provide their rationale for lethal removal being deemed necessary to reduce the potential for recurrent depredations and notify the public. WDFW will explain both its reasoning and whether the director has authorized lethal removal.

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