Region 6 USFS Regional Director Returned Our Call regarding Offending Ranchers

In Ban Grazing Allotments, Profanity Peak Pack, Protect The Wolves by Twowolves3 Comments

protect the wolves, diamond m ranch,

Region 6 Offending Ranchers

Region 6 Regional Director Debbie Hollen returned our Call regarding several Issues that involve the Colville Office. The Issues that were brought up during our call were :

  1. Livestock that was still on Grazing Allotments after close of Season which is a cite-able as well as terminable offense of offending Rancher/ Ranchers.
  2.  Travis Fletchers refusal at the beginning of 2 WAG meetings to address the 2 petitions that were turned in to not only terminate McIrvins Allotments, but also address the issues that those allotments near Rendezvous Den sites could in fact be closed if it was in the best Interest of the Wildlife per Our conversation with Travis Fletcher at a WAG meeting.
  3.  The refusal of the Grazing Allotment Law Enforcement Officer to cite the offending Rancher/ Ranchers.
  4.  To work towards a better policing policy on Ranchers like McIrvin due to his blatant disregard for following any established policies or rules set forth as they relate to maintaining their grazing allotments


We informed Ms. Holland that it has already been proven a waste of time to try to work with Travis Fletcher based on his refusals to discuss Public Petitions and Requested his Supervisors contact Information. If We do not receive the outcome that we are working for from Mr. Rodney Smolden at the Colville Office, Ms. Smolden will take our complaint to Washington D.C.  We further informed her that any failure to respond in a prompt courteous manner taking the necessary actions that We have a complaint drafted to bring the Colville USFS office, Travis Fletcher to court and were in hopes that they would as their website claims issue the appropriate citations.

We have already left a Voicemail with the Forest Supervisor on the Colville National Forest being that of a Mr. Rodney Smolden. Ms. Holden cced Us when she sent the email to Mr. Smolden as well to request that our concerns be taken care of. We will give them the courtesy of waiting 14 days before proceeding, however, we question whether or not that the refusal of the Allotment Law Enforcement Officers refusal to cite Rancher or Ranchers is sufficient in order to bring Legal Action against the Colville USFS Office, for which We are prepared to proceed with at this time.

We pointed out that it is past time to begin to hold USFS Employees accountable simply because they work for the public and it is time for their blatant disregard for following proper procedure not only be stopped, but these offending employees be reprimanded appropriately


Hollen, Debbie A -FS

to meRodney

Hi Roger –


Per our discussion regarding grazing and wolves on the Colville National Forest here is Rodney Smoldon’s contact info:



Rodney is the Forest Supervisor on the Colville National Forest – and can help explain the processes and management perspective related to the situation you are dealing with.


Rodney – FYI – Roger  Dobson, who is with (Protect the Wolves) contacted me – looking for someone to address concerns related to wolf management and grazing allotment issues on the Colville.  He indicated he has already spoken with Travis, (as well as the local Law Enforcement Agent) who were unable to address his concerns.  I let him know  you would be the more appropriate person to discuss his issues with.




Debbie Hollen
Regional Director, State & Private Foresty
Forest Service

Alaska & Pacific Northwest Regions

p: 503-808-2340
c: 503-867-0209
1220 SW 3rd Ave
Portland, OR 97204
Caring for the land and serving people


  1. Pingback: Region 6 USFS Regional Director Returned Our Call regarding Offending Ranchers | Protect The Wolves

  2. I believed the wolves were held ACCOUNTABLE QUICKLY by the state officials for the rancher. The whole PROFANITY PACK ALREADY DEAD !!!
    Plus two more packs members I recalled from Bio Diversity. Wolves are quickly held accountable and pay the DEATH SENTENCE, while the ‘rancher don’t even get a citation.

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