In Protect The Wolves by Lynda6 Comments

Good morning everyone,

I’m one of the volunteers for Protect the Wolves™. Because of the seriousness of the Appropriations Bill H.R 3354, that is loaded with toxic Riders it’s IMPORTANT everyone send an email to our  Senate Minority Leader, Senator Charles Schumer D-NY, to stress to him that HR3354 holds riders that must NOT pass!

HR3354 will be devastating to wolves in the Great Lakes Region, wild horses in the west, the loss of more public land to grazing allotments and hunting in our national parks. To make sure the riders are removed before the final vote in order to save animals and preserve our National parks and wilderness. Stress that you are worried these riders will be rushed thru without discussion and once again the Senate Majority will win and the environment and animals lose. It can be very brief if you like but we NEED to flood him with emails!

Senate Minority Leader, Senator Charles Schumer>>


A rider in the House Interior and Environment appropriation (Sec 113) prevents the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) from fulfilling its obligations under the Endangered Species Act by disallowing FWS to issue or propose a rule to protect the greater sage grouse. A similar provision was included in the Senate Interior and Environment appropriation (Sec. 114).

A rider in the House Interior and Environment appropriation (Sec. 116) blocks federal Endangered Species Act protections for gray wolves in the Great Lakes and Wyoming and prevents judicial review of this action. In doing so, this rider not only ignores the Endangered Species Act’s science-based decision-making process, but also undermines the rule of law and citizens’ access to the courts more broadly. A similar provision was included in the Senate Interior and Environment appropriation (Sec. 120).

A rider in the House Interior and Environment appropriation (Sec. 117) blocks efforts to protect endangered gray wolves in the continental United States under the Endangered Species Act. This species is currently listed as endangered in most of the lower 48 states. A national delisting for wolves would reverse the remarkable progress the ESA has achieved for this species and once again put the gray wolf at risk of extinction.

A rider added to the House Interior and Environment Appropriation by Rep Young (H. Amdt 351) blocks rules to regulate non-subsistence hunting in Alaska’s national preserves. The rider allows extremely aggressive, inhumane and scientifically unfounded forms of predator control such as spotlighting denning bears and cubs as they hibernate.

A rider added to the House Interior and Environment appropriation (H. Amdt. 364) offered by Rep. Lamborn (R-CO) prohibits funds from being used to implement or enforce the threatened species or endangered species listing of any plant or wildlife that has not undergone a review of Endangered Species Act of 1973.

A rider added to the House Interior and Environment Appropriation (H. Amdt. 365) by Rep. Lamborn blocks federal funding for the threatened Preble’s Meadow Jumping Mouse under the Endangered Species Act, thwarting recovery efforts for this western species, which continues to experience habitat loss and other threats throughout its range. It would eliminate crucial recovery programs for the mouse, such as Habitat Conservation Plans, that require the participation of private and public land managers as well as federal funding.

A rider in the Senate Interior and Environment appropriation (Sec. 431) would overturn a court decision that requires federal land managers to reconsult with the Fish and Wildlife Service on land management plans when a new species is listed, critical habitat is designated, or other new pertinent information on a listed species becomes available. This will result in logging and resource development decisions being made without up-to-date science and species status, which could further imperil threatened or endangered species.

A rider in the Senate Interior and Environment appropriation (Sec. 121) would prevent the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from fulfilling its obligations under the Endangered Species Act. The provision blocks the agency from conducting any activities related to determining if the lesser prairie chicken may be a threatened species, setting a dangerous precedent by circumventing the scientific and legal process established to protect imperiled species.

A rider in the Senate Interior Appropriations Report committee report (Committee Report Pg. 17) encourages the Fish and Wildlife Service to end the Red Wolf recovery program and to declare the Red Wolf extinct. In expressing views about the status of the Red Wolf, this rider undermines the scientific and legal process established to protect and recover imperiled species. —-

The reason we must send this to Minority Leader is because we know who we cannot count on. In March 2017 the U.S. Senate just voted 52-47 (see how yours voted) to allow barbaric hunting tactics such as killing hibernating bear families including cubs in their dens as well as wolves and pups –  there are countless animals on 76 million acres of federal wildlife refuges in Alaska and the President signed it. in March 2017.

Some may remember that we put together a call to action to sign/type name to be included in the email sent to our Senate Minority Leader, Charles Schumer . It read “We who have signed below support Sen. Cory Booker and the other 30+ Senate Dems asking you to do all in your power to not let the wolves be delisted in any manner through an act of Congress. We also support their stance on protecting the ESA and funding it appropriately and to protect ALL of our public lands.

It was sent on Jan, 12th 2018 and so much has happened since then so I hope to get a reply and will let you all know when I do. Only 49 people put their names down so this time let’s get thousands of emails sent! ~ L.G 




  2. Please do let the appropriations bill H.R. 3354 pass with all the toxic riders on it. It will destroy our beautiful wildlife that people go to see in the parks and elsewhere.

  3. Wolves must be protected, please remove all toxic riders from bill HR 3354… stop the massacre of wolvws and all innocent animals!!!

  4. Please Remove all Toxic Riders from Appropriations Bill H.R. 3354 and protect our wildlife and our public lands.

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