Speaking out for THE GRAY WOLF

In IUCNCongress, Native American Wolf Spirit, Profanity Peak Pack, Smackout Pack by Twowolves2 Comments


For Our Children

Speaking out for


Other animals like wolves. the Grizzly, Bison, the Eagle etc make us think wild thoughts, Wolves are a Majestic, extremely social species, wolves being a Keystone species play a crucial role in helping to balance nature’s complex environment by not only providing necessary sick removal to helping to insure our plants and trees breathe life.

Once upon a time before European settlers imposed bounties, then a federal extermination program, based on the Wolves demise was out of fear from old fairytales, much in the same way they are targeted today, similar to that of the Bison, however the Bison was to Starve out the Indigenous People, with expansive European settlement all wildlife, land, resources were now a major focus of the Greed that these settlers brought with them. wolves once roamed freely throughout North America, even reported to have been healthier species of Elk, Deer etc. by Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, but that was in a time, when they were actually considered a conservation group….. RMEF since has lost the Alford Murie Award. It will amaze you that Scientists estimated there were once some 2 million Wolves then, living in North America.

In the 1960s, when wolves were finally protected, under a precursor to the Endangered Species Act, they had been exterminated with a huge focus on The Yellowstone Area where Humans infected them with Mange in 1905 to totally annihilate this iconic Keystone Species from all of the European controlled United States except a portion of Minnesota along with what is now considered Isle Royale National Park in Michigan. Wolves became victims of an unwillingness of early Western European Settlers to love Mother Nature, and all she provides in a way that the Indigenous People were taught by their Elders, and those before them. Then in a huge way the part of the livestock industry, which also includes the willingness of the Welfare Ranchers lack of desire to coexist with our Sacred beings.


Following their protection under the Endangered Species Act, gray wolves saw what some would refer to as a tremendous recovery in two tiny areas of their historic range. I have to Wonder what and how it is that these Organizations think that a few thousand is Tremendous when compared to over 2 million. That thought alone deeply disturbs me in a way that allows today’s Western Mentality to target Wolves with no remorse whatsoever all in the interest of money in their greedy hands. The 2 tiny postage stamps of area in comparison to their historic range were In the western Great Lakes region, where wolf populations grew from fewer than 1,000 in the 1970s to around 4,500. With that small increase in population wolves had a need to expand their range from Minnesota to Wisconsin and Michigan. Along with Wolves natural migration from Canada, caused much in the same way, looking for their own home range where they could live peacefully without fear of attack from other packs, then the reintroduction to Yellowstone National Park and central Idaho, wolves returned to another tiny area of the northern Rockies as well as the northern most areas now considered to be the Medicine line by the Indigenous People have now grown to a population of meager 1,700 across Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Washington and Oregon. It astounds when I hear Conservation Groups refer to that teeny number as “Tremendous” when in fact they should be looking at it from the eyes of the Indigenous People of North America as a number that they should in fact be ashamed from.

Despite these very small gains, the job of wolf recovery is not even a fraction of what it should be! Wolves need unconnected populations for genetic sustainability, Our Mother Earths ecosystems need wolves to maintain a healthy balance of species, that humans just can not seem to manage period in comparison to Mother Nature. Even yet today wolves occupy less than 10 percent some say of their historic range, we think that that example is also blown out of proportion when you compare numbers from the past to the present. Wolves continue to face persecution nearly everywhere they presently reside, when in fact should be able to live in harmony as the “Creator” intended.


Beginning back in 2003 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, a branch of Government that needs it’s funding terminated then began moving to reduce or remove protections for wolves, In 2009 the Goon Squad agency then published separate rules…. by beginning to remove protections in the northern Rockies and western Great Lakes, allowing wolf-hunting to move forward in both regions. Protect The Wolves® asks you one question, who is it that seems to require their services primarily? That would be those that seem to want to take over all of our wild lands to benefit that bankroll in their pocket called “WELFARE RANCHERS” Some might be curious as to the meaning of that Term…. Keep in mind now that there are Ranchers out there, a very few, that are good ones…. But the Term Welfare Rancher is a Term that refers to those that do not own enough land to raise cattle all on their own property, thereby creating a need to destroy our forests and waterways ever so important not only to our wildlife’s, but your and my survivals as well.


Since even before the birth of Protect The Wolves® a Native American Religious nonprofit, which after many barbarous acts by the government and their continued Slaughter of our Sacred Wildlife. Protect The Wolves® 1 was brought into existence with a goal in mind which is to provide the necessary Indigenous Peoples rights to stop the inhumane Treatment of our Wildlife at the hands of Government Organizations without a concern for their Environment

We have spoke out for not only our Sacred Wolves, Grizzlies, Bison, Eagles, Whales along with our Environment. We began adapting our efforts as the different ways to Slaughter Wolves has changed. We have taken on seriously the teachings of our Ancestors in order to not only stop the decimation of our Sacred Wildlife, but also to help to restore our Sacred Mother Earth and all that she has provided for us.

Protect The Wolves® has a great Vision, that will become successful, however, the decision is in your hands as to when that exactly will happen. Will you continue to support the types of Large Conservation Groups that pay their Executive Director in Excess of $307,000 per year, I remind you that that is just 1 individuals wages. Here at Protect The Wolves® We will not pay wages, The money that is earned through your generous Donations needs to remain Focused on the speaking out for, caring for, providing Sanctuary for our Sacred Wildlife. When we say “Our” you are the biggest part of that one single word! We have the Native American Religious Rights, we have the teachings, the passion, the desire… However in Our Elders Teachings, in order to be a voice that will be heard, Our Organization needs width and numbers. Our Elders have proven to us all that in order to be successful and strong that we welcome all into our Group, that have a sincere desire to Live the Way that the Ancestors before us did, when Wildlife was understood as necessary to maintain a healthy “Circle of Life.” If you will Join us Today in Great Numbers, We will be able to help our sacred wildlife sooner. Even the Big Groups, including Biologists of today have told us that we have the tools, the necessary rights to use, to be more than any group currently speaking out for wildlife. The Only thing left is to gather those that think the same way as we do, that what we leave our Children’s Children is our Legacy. Which is a Legacy to be Proud of!


Protect The Wolves® A Native American Religious Group asks you to Join us today, before its too late for our Sacred Wildlife Tomorrow.



1® Our Purpose is Trademarked as it defines us.


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