Protect The Wolves

Sweden’s wild wolf numbers going down 

In Sweden by Twowolves1 Comment

Protect The Wolves

Sweden’s population of wolves is declining, with experts announcing on Wednesday that there are currently an estimated 340 left in the country, down by 20 percent from the previous year.

The figures were presented by Sweden’s Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket), which every winter counts the wildlife population to keep tabs on wolves, bears, lynxes and wolverines in the country.

It said that a licensed cull on wolves, as well as natural factors such as birth and death rates, had contributed to the falling numbers.

“In our inventory, we see that there are many [wolf] territories, but that the number of family groups has declined as a result of licensed hunting. New wolf pairs have established themselves in the old territories, but have not reproduced during the inventory period,” Naturvårdsverket analyst Maria Hörnell Willebrand said in a statement.

“Family groups have a big impact on the result, because the population calculation is based on regeneration, which is basically the same as family groups,” she added.

Source: Sweden’s wild wolf numbers going down – The Local


  1. okay…I get it…everyone in the whole world just doesn’t want the wolves at all and never again…fine wipe them …but do not crying to anyone else in the whole world when a major part of the wildlife community has a hole in it…and the elk has either ate all the trees or the bears coyotes and the mountain lions ate your livestock. Got it losers?!

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