Update on Man that reportedly fires shots at wolves “in Yellowstone” 

In Protect The Wolves, Protect Yellowstones Wolves, Sacred Resource Protection Zone by Twowolves2 Comments

POWELL (WNE) — Yellowstone National Park officials are investigating a report that a man shot at some wolves in the park last Saturday morning.

Witnesses said the incident occurred near Sedge Bay along Yellowstone Lake, after the man’s dog chased a deer and wolves began chasing the dog.

The unidentified man reportedly told fellow park visitors that he’d shot at the wolves because they were chasing his pet, according to accounts those visitors gave to Yellowstone rangers.

Neither of the two visitors witnessed the man firing the shots, but one visitor spoke with the man shortly after the incident and called Yellowstone law enforcement. The other visitor found shotgun shells at the scene and turned them over to park rangers.

Source: Man reportedly fires shots at wolves in Yellowstone | Wyoming News | trib.com


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