Washington State Lethal Removal Protocol

In Indian Trust, Oppose Welfare Ranching, Protect The Wolves by Twowolves1 Comment

protect the wolves, donny martorello

Here you will find WDFWs new lethal removal Protocol. Influenced by Rancher Special Interest !!

The protocol draws on a diversity of perspectives expressed from nothing more than Special Interest. Which is a Blatant disregard on WDFWs part of the Indian, Public Trusts…. as well as several other Violations such as refusal to grant the BIA a Meeting for one.

 Taken from WDFW advisory Group handbook 😉

• Recognize that the group must operate openly and transparently.


WDFW’s Martorello, and the group facilitator have certainly failed….. One of their Mission Statements claim to use the Best Available Science…. It would appear that they totally ignore the best science available by their actions….

Mission Statement

Mission of WAG

To promote equitable, inclusive, and respectful dialogue and decision-making among diverse people to foster durable peace by transforming the root causes of social conflict and providing high quality recommendations on wolf recovery, conservation, and management.


The Wolf Advisory Group (WAG) envisions a future for Washington whereby:

  • People have equal and balanced voices in decisions that impact their communities
  • Diverse perspectives are welcomed and heard
  • Mutual understanding of the needs of diverse communities and groups is achieved and respected
  • Wolves are an opportunity for shared, constructive problem-solving
  • The deeper roots of social conflict in Washington are continually transformed
  • Healthy, sustainable populations of wolves and wild ungulates are achieved and maintained in balance
  • Livestock and financial losses to livestock producers are minimized
  • Diverse communities, including rural communities, livestock producers, hunters, environmental communities, and the interested public, are kept whole (in terms of quality of life), vibrant, and resilient
  • The best available science is used for decision-making on group recommendations
  • Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Fish and Wildlife Commission, and the Washington legislature are provided creative, inclusive recommendations for effective decision-making
  • Public dialogue and mutual learning around wolves, ungulates, and natural resource issues are significantly improved
  • There is continual fostering of high-quality dialogue and decision-making around wolves and related or emerging issues now and into the future
[gview file=”http://protectthewolves.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/final_protocol_for_wolf-livestock_interactions_jun012017.pdf”]


  1. use lethal methods to kill the cows…ell the ranchers to stop the slaughter of wolves. make these welfare ranchers stay off of GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. IT BELONGS TO THE WILDLIFE ONLY!!!

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