Protect The Wolves

What is the Difference Between Large Conservation Groups and Protect The Wolves®

In Pinnacle Wolf Pack, Profanity Peak Pack, Protect The Wolves by TwowolvesLeave a Comment

Protect The Wolves

What is the Difference

Between Large Conservation Groups

and Protect The Wolves®

  • Protect The Wolves® is a Native American Religious nonprofit Group

  • Wolves are 1 of Protect The Wolves® “Sacred Species”

  • Large Conservation Groups tell us they do not have an approach to stop the slaughter from above when they speak with us on the phone.

  • Will these Large Conservation Groups step up and help us be the Voice that they already know we can be? Well they haven’t yet…..

  • Protect The Wolves® works very hard to speak for you, keep in mind that there are only 2 people in the main office, and 1 in an Ireland office.

  • Does Protect The Wolves® pay Salaries? No they do not!! DOW pays over 300,000 to Jaime Rappaport Clark President, Shawn Cantrell in 2015 was reported around 150,000. The Salary of 2 officials in 1 large group almost exceed our Fundraiser Target to be able to make a real difference!

  • Center for Biological Diversity Salaries average between 38,000 to 80,000

  • Are Large group officials spending their own money? I doubt it… we pay over 300.00 per month for a safe webserver environment, in the last 30 days, we had almost 54,000 hack attempts to disrupt our flow of news and education.

Good Morning Everyone, I hope that you are all well. We had a very Spiritual 2 days in the immediate area where the Ghost Dance was Born 😉 The Creator has chosen us to deliver your message because we take what is happening personal!

Just 2 of the Large Conservation Group salaries from their top 2 executives from each exceed our initial goal of providing Sanctuary for Wolves that have had a Target placed on their backs at the whim of what appears to be Ranchers in order to exterminate our Sacred wildlife once again.

Everyone, the primary difference between the Large Conservation Groups and us, is they tell us We have the Angle…. What does that mean? Literally it means the only thing keeping us from stopping this unnecessary Slaughter from the sky in any state is Money!

So If you want us to be able to stop this, support us with a Donation. We dont have people like Leonardo Decaprio throwing 1.4 million Dollars at us, which realistically I do not believe would even cover Defenders of Wildlife’s annual Salaries… what do you think?

The Primary Difference between us and the Large Conservation Groups, is the primary reason we stand alone! All Wildlife are Sacred to Native Americans. All wildlife are necessary to complete a healthy Circle of Life.

In a nutshell, we put all of our money and time into saving Wildlife for everyone’s children. Is that important? Yes, to us as it is to you.

Do we have a magical button to push like these Large groups do when it comes to raising money? I certainly wish we did… I bet just 1 of their emails each week generates thousands of Dollars for them. The Truth to the amount would most likely make you sick….

In Summary, We Like you want this Slaughter to stop!! People it takes money, we now have over 47,000 followers, imagine the power that would be available if all 47,000 people chipped in like a few have already with some 100 dollars, some 250, some more… The Point is that if all 47,000 followers accepted Sandy Norris’s Challenge for 5 months each contributing just 25.00 each for 5 months, we would raise almost 6 million dollars. With that amount of money, not only is Your Sanctuary thriving, but the money needed to stop this needless killing available! We certainly do not need to pay an individual a salary over 300,000. Our money will supply a Sanctuary, and pay Legal Fees to stop this action against our Wildlife… Please help today with what you can… even if its only 5.00. multiply 47000 times 5.00 = almost 250,000.

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