Protect The Wolves
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Wolf Education, Why Teach About Wolves?

Wolf Education For our Children

  • Why Teach About Wolves? The purpose of this guide is to provide educators, you the parent, of students from kindergarten to high school with activities that will enrich students’ understanding about the gray wolf of North America. The activities are intended to dispel common myths and prejudices that are held about these animals and to encourage youth to get involved in conservation efforts.   Wolves are more like humans than many realize. Students will find that they can relate to this animal because the lives and experiences of wolves mimic those of humans in many and often surprising ways from their social structure and family roles to the experiences of bullying and being misunderstood. Because of the myths and prejudices held by many and a history of persecution that continues today, wolves also serve as a way to motivate students to become active citizens in environmental stewardship and conservation.   For educators, and parents alike, the study of wolves serves as an engaging topic to help meet a wide variety of science, social studies, and English language arts learning objectives and standards. This guide provides educators with springboards to illuminate the interconnected world, the importance of our ability to reason about those interconnections, and to make far-reaching decisions that positively impact the world.

Protect The Wolves® Wolf Education

National Geographic is collaborating with wildlife filmmakers Jim and Jamie Dutcher to bring educational content about wolves to learners of all ages. For 25 years, the Dutchers have focused on the study and documentation of wolf behavior, including six years living in a tented camp on the edge of Idahos Sawtooth Wilderness, intimately observing the social and family-oriented lives and behavior of the now famous Sawtooth Pack. As two of Americas most knowledgeable experts on wolves, they are devoted to the betterment and understanding of this keystone species. The Dutchers are the founders of Living with Wolves, a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising broad public awareness of the truth about wolves, their social nature, their importance to healthy ecosystems, and the threats to their survival.

Gray Wolf Guide
National Geographic is collaborating with wildlife filmmakers Jim and Jamie Dutcher to bring educational content about wolves to learners of all ages. For more than 20 years, the Dutchers have focused their lives on the study and documentation of wolf behavior. As two of Americas most knowledgeable experts on wolves, they are devoted to sharing their unique background for the betterment and understanding of this keystone social species. This collection of education resources is being created to help science teachers like you bring the excitement of this high-interest topic into the classroom. Use the maps, activities, and media in the collection to engage students with a wide variety of ecology and biology topics. Download from National Geographic’s site NOW

Wolf Education

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