Protect The Profanity Peak Pack

Wolves kill more cattle in northeastern Washington

In IUCNCongress, Profanity Peak Pack, Smackout Pack by TwowolvesLeave a Comment

Donny Martorello Caught Lying

Protect The Wolves® Warned you the public about this latest action Long before the Spokesman Review even Printed this. Please join our Native American Religious Movement to put a stop to this Needless Slaughter from Above. I would suggest that Donny Martorello call Patricia the President of Protect The Wolves® 406-219-8690, although Donny  you Promised at the Wolf Advisory Group Meeting to speak with her face to face…  then you avoided and side stepped her every single time you saw her coming… Why is that Donny??? Because you cant seem to form the Truth into words perhaps?? Her number is publicly posted on our page Donny. She has already caught you lying…. on Multiple statements you have made… what do you have to say for yourself???

ENDANGERED SPECIES — Two Washington wolf packs have made documented kills on livestock in northeastern Washington recently.

The attacks have been attributed to the Smackout Pack on the Stevens-Pend Oreille county border area as well as the remaining wolves in the Profanity Peak Pack of Ferry County.

The Washington Fish and Wildlife Departmenttargeted the Profanity Peak wolves for exterminationin August under an approved protocol after several livestock attacks had been documented. Only six of the pack’s 11-known wolves had been killed in the rugged brushy terrain north of Sherman Pass before the helicopter gunning operation was halted.

State workers have resumed their hunt, said Donny Martorello, WDFW wolf policy leader.

On Wednesday, WDFW wolf experts investigated a reported cattle depredation in the Smackout wolf pack area and concluded there was enough evidence to say the calf was probably killed by wolves. Another wolf-killed calf had been listed as probable in the area on Sept. 21.

“The livestock producer has maintained sanitation by removing or securing livestock carcasses, and had deployed a range rider at the start of the grazing season,” Martorello said, noting that the Sept. 21 incident was the first confirmed wolf depredation in the Smackout pack area this calendar year.

On Tuesday, department staff confirmed a wolf attack and injury to a calf in the Profanity Peak wolf pack area. “That brings the total documented to 14 depredation events on livestock in the pack area since July 8, including nine confirmed and five probable,” Martorello said. The livestock, which are tended by range riders, are on a Colville National Forest grazing allotment.

A report on the status of the effort to eliminate the Profanity Peak Pack will be release Friday, he said.

On September 21, the Spokane Tribe of Indians reported a wolf harvest on the Spokane Indian Reservation. Both the Spokane and Colville Tribes allow limited wolf hunting for tribal members on reservation lands. Wolves remain protected from hunting in Washington outside the reservations.

Source: Wolves kill more cattle in northeastern Washington

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