Wyoming Game and Fish Department Online Discussion Forum

In Oppose Welfare Ranching, Protect The Wolves, Sacred Resource Protection Zone by Twowolves3 Comments

protect yellowstone wolves, sacred resource protection zone


Here is a Great place to get our concerns into the public’s eye 😉 Let them know you are not happy with their management to date 😉 Tell them they have already proven that they are incapable of managing the publics resources effectively.


What do you see as the most important issues or concerns related specifically to large carnivore/predator management (large carnivores in Wyoming include wolves, grizzly and black bears, and mountain lions)? Why?

What direction should the Wyoming Game and Fish Department be going in with regard to nongame wildlife and/or wildlife viewing and working with those that are primarily interested in viewing wildlife?  Why?

What changes, if any, would you like to see over the next five to ten years in Wyoming?

Source: — Wyoming Game and Fish Department Online Discussion Forum


  1. Pingback: Wyoming Game and Fish Department Online Discussion Forum | Protect The Wolves

  2. Stop killing the wolves and grizzlies it is something we should treasure not hunt. The ranchers need to be responsible to provide protection for their stock, not up to the state or the public.

    1. Author

      Until Our Research is able to make it to court…. it will continue sadly. The Large Orgs will not support Us because the focus will be removed from them… The Public doesn’t seem to really care or they would be supporting our Research

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