profanity peak pack, smackout pack, sherman pack

Special Interest Donald Dashiell on WDFW WAG Shows all he does not want wolves

In Oppose Welfare Ranching, Protect The Wolves, Sacred Resource Protection Zone by Twowolves1 Comment

profanity peak pack, smackout pack, sherman pack

Donald Dashiell is a WDFW WAG Member thinks its ok to force Cattle on our wild resources that were here long before any of his family arrived on Turtle Island.

 Donny Martorello Invited us to Join WAG last August as the first Native American Voice, when we showed up to the meeting in September, he tried to tell Us that he didn’t invite Us. Guess what Martorello, there were multiple people on our call, including 3 staff,  Protect The Wolves President and 2 Directors. Lets also not forget that Martorello has refused for Over a year to contact the BIA based on their requests for a meeting until just recently. They have not posted any information regarding their tribal IWC meetings since November 18, 2015. All of which were ways to push through their Lethal Removal Protocol without Public, BIA or Tribal Input.

These are blatant Violations of the Trusts folks. Along with the initial slaughter of the Smackout Pack last year…. Their lethal protocol requires that 2 deterrents be implemented, please see their kangaroo lethal removal policy below. We have highlighted the appropriate sections towards the bottom. However they have modified the policy to include multiple loop holes that we need to close you will soon see.

smackout meadows, smackout pack, protect the wolves

There were no Deterrents present on July 21st 2017 as claimed were there by WDFW

Please also do not forget that they pushed through this Lethal Slaughter policy without “Public or Tribal” comment. Or even working within the IWC as evidenced by Martorellos refusal to respond to the BIA for well over 1 1/2 years as we were informed by the BIA Biologist who has been requesting meetings without response.

Further, Protect The Wolves™ put in multiple Calls to James Unsworth in June 2017, requesting that they be allowed to assist the Range Rider Program, as well as followed it up with a Formal Email Request.


  Now Let’s talk about some of the members of the WDFW Wolf Advisory Group (WAG), shall we? There are supposed to be 18 members, but 2 positions have been vacant for at least 1 year. In March, 2017, when the final decisions were made for the lethal removal protocol only 12 members were present, and 8 of those members have an anti-wolf perspective.

It is apparent with an elected official like Donald Dashiell on WDFW’s Wolf Advisory Group (WAG) that they are allowing an individual with a vested interest in the issue to potentially wield undue power over the process. As the Stevens County Commissioner and a livestock rancher, he has made it quite clear he is strongly anti-wolf.  Donald Dashiell Today on our Facebook has made it quite clear that he is not only a Wolf Hater, (see above screenshot) and he truly knows nothing about being a Good Steward to the Land. His personal opinion that they leave the land better than they found it…. couldnt be farther from the truth, not only evidenced by our own personal Viewing of Grazing Allotments last September, but also by our Volunteer Staff in N.E. Washington.

Jack Field is also a member of WAG, and was the director of the WA Cattlemen’s Association; he now heads up Cattle Feeders of WA. He is also a well-known lobbyist in Olympia for the cattle industry. His name is on the WAG list, but he hasn’t been present since a phone conference in April of 2016. Why is he still holding a position? Is he influencing the group behind the scenes?

Then we have Dave Duncan, who represents Washingtonians for Wildlife Conservation (Really? – Ted Nugent is a member), and at the August WDFW Commission meeting he was witnessed disparaging wolf advocates and stating he wants wolves delisted state-wide.

There are other members who represent the Washington Farm Bureau, the Mule Deer Foundation, the Hunters Heritage Council, and the Washington State Sheep Producers. Additionally, there is an independent cattle rancher and a hunter in the group. These organizations and individuals are pro-livestock production or pro-wild ungulate hunting, and wolves are not on their “friends” list.

The mentality of these WAG members is NOT appropriate for an advisory group whose mission states it seeks to provide high quality recommendations on wolf recovery, conservation, and management.” It is high time for Washington State residents to stand up and demand a fair and balanced WAG membership!

People, it is very clear that with Special Interest Elected Officials on WDFWs wolf advisory group Like the above listed, that they are clearly violating trust mandates. Our Elected officials ethically should work for the benefit of “ALL” public opinion and not just those of their lil special interest Rancher Buds.


We were in receipt of an email sent on March 15th from a Washington State Elected Official, who is also a Wolf Advisory Group Member today. Donald did throw in a translocating statement in an attempt to cover up his Immediate action Demand, then he goes on to mention that these are Arctic Wolves. Donald really should learn the difference between wolves. Further he has this huge misconception that cattle somehow benefit the environment when their are numerous studies showing that they in fact do not. Some of those studies come straight from the EPA telling them of the damage caused yet they refuse to accept the truth.

Email to Update List by Donald Dashiell

That said, I wanted to put forward the position of the stakeholders I am trying (unsuccessfully) to represent in this process. Simply put, they are tired of being the experimental population for a mythical vision put forward and enabled by people and groups who have no skin in the game and never intend to donate a portion of their livelihood, safety or time to have this imagined benefit to the ecosystem come true. The generations who have the history in their families to know what challenges were present decades or even centuries ago in this infested area never passed down any mention of large packs of artic wolves roaming the landscape. I have read the draft proposal. The desire of this stakeholder group is to have WDFW implement active management immediately in response to any depredation by wolves on any class of livestock, pets or people. “Active management to them means offender removal”. Trying to decide who the culprit is cannot take a long drawn out process that requires play by play or check in with non-responsible entities that will delay effective resolution to the crisis. Since you are wondering, offender removal means killing or translocating the guilty wolves so there is a stoppage to the smaller problem that we have always allowed to explode into an unmanageable disaster our people have had to endure since wolves have attained critical mass in Washington state. Anything short of that will be viewed as indifference to the struggles we face in this region.



Protect The Wolves ™

Patricia and Roger


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