Update for Rancher or Ranchers in Violation of Grazing Allotment limits in Washington State

In Ban Grazing Allotments, Oppose Welfare Ranching, Protect The Wolves by Twowolves2 Comments

Profanity peak pack, protect the wolves,

Profanity Peak mother no longer with us.

Good Evening Everyone,

While we are preparing Our complaint, We will begin by requesting that the Rancher or Ranchers that were in Violation of Grazing Allotment season closure by leaving their cows out past the close of their Allotment or Allotments, be cited by USFS Law Enforcement per Administrative Policy’s and Procedures Act. If they Refuse to cite the Rancher or Ranchers (plural possibly) in Violation it will lend credibility to our Complaint.

We already have them once refusing to cancel McIrvins Allotments on Record by Adam Carlesco that represented Dr. Robert Wielgus, even with supporting documentation. So this time we will use a different approach in the beginning and request that USFS Law Enforcement do their Job under the mandates upon them under the Public Trust as well as administrative Policy’s and Procedures Act.