$19 is apparently too high a sticker price for killing a wolf in Montana!

In Ban Grazing Allotments, Endangered Species Act, Protect The Wolves by Twowolves1 Comment

protect the wolves

Join The Howl Today, to work harder tomorrow to help stop this bloodlust tomorrow!

$19 is apparently too high a sticker price for the privilege of killing a wolf in Montana.

In Backwards Montana, A new state proposal would cut the cost of a wolf-hunting license to just $12.

This sick disdain that includes zero respect for wolves, literally cheapening their lives, has already once pushed them to the brink of extinction. These very same individuals who see wolves as target practice want to spread this mentality nationwide.

They must be stopped, and you can help. Please give today to our Protect The Wolves™ Fund. and Take Action Necessary to Insure Your Children’s Resources are fought for with the most current research for tomorrow.

The Trump administration’s plan to take away Endangered Species Act protection from most wolves in the lower 48 states would expose the animals to non stop hunting, more trapping, more shattered packs. Nothing more than BLOODTHIRSTY persecution!

Idaho is  paying trappers bounties to kill them.

These states are showing how little they care for wildlife and how easy they want to make it for wolves to be shot. Once again proving they have no business managing Your Children’s Resources!

Wolves are highly social and have deep bonds within packs. We are lucky to get to experience that first hand here. Each wolves death will shatter an entire wolf family, breaks up a breeding pair or orphans a litter of pups.

This is the war on wolves the Trump administration is encouraging states to wage. We’re fighting to get our research into the courts that no Large Org has available.

States shouldn’t profit from wolf killings! Killers shouldnt get paid Bounties! Wolves need to be protected and allowed to raise their pups free of the threat of traps, snares and trophy hunters’ guns.

The job of wolf recovery is far from over, which is why we’re pushing hard to get new research into the courts. Lets face it, the Large NGOS arent joining Us for a Reason! Why do you think that is?

We have to prevail. Please give today to the Protect The Wolves™ Fund today.

Join The Howl that will be heard around the World!


  1. Stop the war on wolves and other wildlife and the environment.
    Wolves don’t wipe out elk and other species. They take the weak and injured and strengthen the herd. They don’t slaughter the healthiest specimens. Hunters however do just that – killing “trophy animals” – by doing so, weaken the gene pool. As was demonstrated in Yellowstone, the reintroduction of wolves brought the ecosystem there back from the brink of human caused collapse. Wolves even help combat chronic wasting disease. Wealthy corporate ranchers graze their their cattle on public land allowing them to strip the land and destroy the biodiversity needed for a healthy ecosystem while poisoning bees and other beneficial species with insecticides.
    Grazing allotments on public land, welfare ranching and the ensuing environmental damage should not be allowed. Wolves appear to be the best defense against Chronic Wasting disease, and can offer defense against brucellosis. Additionally, evidence shows that often killing wolves and destroying the cohesiveness of a pack actually increases predation on ranch and farm animals. This is especially true when the younger inexperienced animals lose their teachers that help them learn about bringing down wild prey and resort to domesticated “easier prey”.

    It’s a shame that wolves have more “humanity” than many or most people. Boycott Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Wisconsin, Washington, Oregon, Minnesota, Michigan and Alaska as long as they allow or condone wolf killing. Stop eating beef. Ranchers are the prime impetus on the war on wolves. We also must vote the federal, state and local politicians out of office that support this slaughter. Let’s make these cruel politicians endangered species (be they republicans or democrats).

    The only humane way to shoot wildlife is with a camera. A humane “trophy hunter” only collects a picture. The worth of a person can be judged by how one treats animals. An evil person is cruel to, abuses, or kills animals. A good person cares for and respects animals. “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” “Sport hunting’ is a sickness, a perversion and a danger and should be recognized as such. People who get their amusement from hunting and killing defenseless animals can only be suffering from a mental disorder. In a world with boundless opportunities for amusement, it’s detestable that anyone would choose to get thrills from killing others who ask for nothing from life but the chance to remain alive.” – Sir Roger Moore (seven times James Bond).

    Regarding animal killing contests and trophy hunting: Humans are the species that is drastically overpopulating and destroying the planet. How about a killing contest of hunters and saving the innocent animals. Hunting each other would offer more challenging prey. It would be a win-win-win, getting rid of some evil monsters, helping the planet, reducing the population a little, and saving innocent animals, and maybe even preventing some of these bloodthirsty monsters from killing innocent people also. Animals exhibit more humanity than many or most people. They don’t murder for pleasure and trophies, and don’t set cruel snares, often baited, which cause painful deaths to wildlife and pets alike. The lead ammunition does further environmental damage often poisoning endangered species such as condors and eagles, and entering the water and food chain.

    Funding conservation from hunting is a sick insane paradox, not unlike paying for women’s health with donations from rapists and sex abusers.
    Cruel, inhumane traps and snares should also be illegal. Both wild animals and pets have suffered painful deaths in these traps which are made even worse by baiting them.

    I am ashamed to say that we are now living in a country where there is a concerted attack on anything beneficial and supportive of the environment, ecology, animals and plants and science. The EPA under Scott Pruitt, his replacement, Andrew Wheeler, and the Trump administration has become a cruel joke (the environmental prevention agency), as has the Department of the Interior under Ryan Zinke and his replacement, David Bernhardt. Scientists are gagged or fired. The best people in the EPA are leaving in disgust. War is being declared on many species vital to a healthy, thriving ecosystem such as wolves. Wolves, bears, and other animals are targeted largely because they allegedly interfere with ranchers unrestricted control and use of the environment (often public land) for their cattle to run roughshod over and decimate as they graze. Bees, vital to our agriculture, are being wiped out by dangerous pesticides.

    Native Americans understood they were part of nature and respected the environment and all animals. Then we white men came, thought we were separate from and decided to conquer nature and we’re on our way to destroying the planet. I ask you who were and are the more civilized?

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