A Montana Mismanaged Wolf Population article needs comments

In Oppose Welfare Ranching, Protect The Wolves, Sacred Resource Protection Zone, Sacred Species by TwowolvesLeave a Comment

protect the wolves

Here is another inaccurate story by a Montana Transplant to California. Montana Hunters last year slaughtered 31,000 Elk. Do not buy the BS that Greg Nashlund writes!!

A Mismanaged Wolf Population

Montana should be managed by its residents for the good of the state and economy

After reading the article on the impact the wolf population is having on the states wildlife resources it makes me hesitate to come home to hunt this fall. I was born and raised in Montana and I was there when the wolves were brought back into the ecosystem and the immediate impact to the game population they had. I don’t recall there being too many deer in the ecosystem! Anyone growing up in Whitefish that hunted remembers Lupfer’s deer population being laid to waste in a matter of a couple years by wolves. The mismanagement of the wolf population is eerily similar to the fiasco that destroyed the Kokanee fishery in Flathead Lake. Remember? Montana should be managed by its residents for the good of the state and economy. Montana is dependent on the revenue from hunters and fishermen from within the state as well as out of state sportsmen and women. I fear it may be too late to correct a grossly mismanaged predator who does have its place in the ecosystem just not at the excessive levels of today.

Greg Naslund
Antelope, California

Source: A Mismanaged Wolf Population – Flathead Beacon

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