Americans get all Up in Arms when its wildlife in another Country

In Oppose Welfare Ranching, Protect The Wolves, Sacred Resource Protection Zone by Twowolves1 Comment

protect yellowstone wolves, protect the wolves

JUST a Reminder

Last year on Thanksgiving

Native Americans were being tortured using dogs, Our Sacred Species were being killed without remorse, not to mention the many illegal scare Tactics that were employed in South Dakota. Native Americans being ran over by Angry white People that were only trying to protect our source of life for all Peoples, Our “Water”.

On This Thanksgiving, Our Sacred Species are being slaughtered even faster at the hands of fear, greed, fairy tales, Ranchers, hunters, trappers  at an even more Alarming rate, The Government has violated our Religious Rights yet once again by allowing Wyoming to call 1 of our Sacred Brothers the Wolf “VERMIN”. Along with trying to get the slaughter approved of our Sacred brother the Grizzly, and for what? All to please the big money Donors that get mindless old mentality elected to form policy as they see fit.

Oh Yes and I almost forgot to mention cleaning up a 200,000 gallon Oil Spill in South Dakota on a Reservation, that never should have been allowed to happen in the first place. All if only People would have came together when they should have in the beginning, that in itself could have been prevented  As we were informed from the Leaders.

We look at what is happening around our so called Great Country, and it would seem that if its not Elephants, or lions in a Foreign Country, there seems to be no Public Outcry on the Mass level. Why is that? Have We as Americans forgotten what it is to lead by example? It seems as if its almost a comparison to the Genocide that happened here in North America from the very beginning.

Ellen Degeneres just had a segment on that spoke about Foreign Countries Animals, it was all over the national News. But what about Our Own Wildlife right here at home? Why are people not coming together with a Voice that has Religious and Treaty Rights as tools that “NO” Large NPO has in the United States?


If We fail to come together for our Wildlife Today, Our Sacred Species will again be slaughtered to the point of Extinction.

Please Consider joining Protect The Wolves™ Today, and become part of the Solution.



  1. ONe of te major reasons why the tiny number of Spanish Conquistadores were able to overcome the great numbers of people in Central America, was because of War Dogs, big mastiffs who were mistreated and taught to tear into strangers.
    These dogs, who are mentioned as a matter of course in 1400s Europe, were recorded in a minor way by those who traveled wit the Conquistadores, and for some reason I can’t comprehend, are ignored in the history of this conquest tat is given to the schools and public.
    They were instruments of terror, and the foot-traveling native peoples were never far from their women or young ones, and so you can see why I call them instruments of terror.

    I have great pity, whenever I think of War Dogs, for they were so shaped that their lives were as limited as the blind angry humans who lash out with guns and bombs. They could never come home.

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