Fish and Game director calls out groups for slanting wolf numbers | Idaho Political Commentary |

In Idaho by TwowolvesLeave a Comment

Protcet The Wolves

So Im Just Curious who tells the truth in Idaho , Fish and Game director? Who Claims they have 100 wolf packs it appears? Or Idahos own Wolf Biologist Claims there are 15-22 breeding pairs….

It’s important for state agencies to understand and respect differing points of view. But when a few advocacy groups try to grab headlines by skewing Idaho Fish and Game scientific wolf monitoring data in ways that simply aren’t true, it’s also important to set the record straight.

Here are the facts:

Idaho has more than 100 documented wolf packs and over 600 wolves. Idaho’s wolf population far exceeds federal recovery levels of 10 breeding pairs and 100 wolves.

After meeting federal recovery levels in 2002, Idaho’s wolf population grew largely unchecked for the remainder of the decade, resulting in increased conflicts with other big game populations and livestock.

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