399 and Snowy her cub

Followup for the Famous Bear Cub Killed in Hit and Run in Teton National Park

In Teton National Park by TwowolvesLeave a Comment

399 and Snowy her cub

We had Just driven thru this area 2 weeks ago, saw them off on the side of the road, but there was not enough room to park our 1 ton and Camper… There are  FLASHING LED signs that measure probably 8′ x 10′ that say warning, Wolves and Grizzlies on Roadway!!

Why do people feel that they are above the law and simply HAUL ASS through an area know to be busy with wildlife? By now I am certain that whomever killed this amazing little soul has seen the Social Media Storm that they have single handidly created and I TRULY HOPE you feel like  the big slimy person you are!! No I didnt say what I wanted in your description…. But you get the jist!!

Source: Famous Bear Cub Killed in Hit and Run in National Park

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