Protect The Wolves

France employs crack team of wolf hunters – The Local

In France by TwowolvesLeave a Comment

Protect The WolvesFrance needs to be stopped!!!!!

With over 8,000 sheep killed by wolves in the past 12 months, government heads have decided that it’s time to take action against France’s wolf population, which is estimated to total around 300.
Environment Minister Ségolène Royal announced that ten wolf hunters would be recruited and trained before the end of August to help protect France’s sheep population.
The minister noted that the number of wolf attacks has doubled in the past five years, no doubt largely thanks to the fact that their population has tripled since 2005.
The hunters will begin work in the areas that have been particularly hard hit by the wolves, including Provence and Hautes Alpes in the south.
The news will no doubt come as a welcome relief for farmers, many of whom have been left furious after losing their livestock to wolves, often in large quantities. In April this year, a wolf killed 21 sheep at a farm in the French Alps.
Concerns have been raised in France that the wolves are moving ever-closer to Paris. Last year, a lone wolf was spotted 250km from the capital, with an expert saying that wolves can move up to 400 kilometres a day and aren’t afraid of human infrastructure like

France employs crack team of wolf hunters – The Local.

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