ban grazing allottments, welfare Ranchers, protect our Federal Lands

Grazing permits in spotlight | Western Livestock Journal

In IUCNCongress, Oppose Welfare Ranching, Protect The Wolves by TwowolvesLeave a Comment

ban grazing allottments, welfare Ranchers, protect our Federal Lands

Welfare Ranchers are going to ask the Public to pay even more for fence, or water Improvement costs?? These Ranchers are worse than Welfare Recipients!! They need to loose their thoughts on entitlement!

He noted that in the case of grazing permits it is first important to understand the difference between substantive and procedural rights. He explained that under the Fifth Amendment a substantive right is not protected as a compensable property right, but he said that doesn’t mean that there are no compensable rights, explaining that some improvements such as fences or water improvements could be compensable.

Moving to the topic of more concern, he spoke about procedural rights. This, Doig said, includes rights protected under the Fifth and 14th Amendments—the right to due process, or the right to protest or appeal decisions that adversely affect a grazing permit.

Grazing Damage to our waterways

Cattle, Destroy our ecosystems that are necessary for our wildlife to survive!

Ban Grazing allotments, protect the wolves, wolves, wolf,

Starving cow attempting to reach grass on the ungrazed side of a fence, Granite Mountain Open Allotment–Courtesy Mike Hudak, Look at the Cow shit in the water…..


Source: Grazing permits in spotlight | Western Livestock Journal

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