Hunting bear cubs in Alaska is abhorrent and unacceptable

In Protect The Wolves by Lynda2 Comments

We can comment on Alaska’s Governor Bill Walkers Facebook page this week, urging his Game Commissioners to support proposal #15 that would end the hunting of bear cubs. PROPOSAL #15 will ultimately stop the hunting of mothers with cubs and cubs if accepted by the Commission.  The vote is this FRIDAY!! 

We can point out that if they want tourists dollars then this should not be allowed. Why would anyone want to visit and spend all their hard earned money in a state that does such things? Plus, we know what they do to wolves there!

What about all the cruises people take to Alaska? Do they think people just want to see icebergs? Please be civil

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  1. Plz stop killing the wilder life. Tourist don’t really want to just see the icebergs they would rather see the wild life instead .

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