Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks :: Wolf Program

In Montana by TwowolvesLeave a Comment

Hunters Allowed to contribute to Wolf Management


What is Wrong with states, that allow Hunters contribute to Wolf Management….. Oh wait…. They get their money from Cattle Ranchers… Crooked Government needs to be Abolished Nationwide in order to keep the Wolf from being completely eliminated!

FWP obtained full authority to manage wolves in Montana upon the federal delisting of the Rocky Mountain gray wolf in May 2011. FWP is committed to using its authority to responsibly manage Montana’s wolf population while addressing conflicts with livestock and other wildlife populations.

FWP is further committed to allowing hunters, who are showing a real interest in pursuing wolves, to become even more involved in Montana’s approach to wolf management.

The focus will be on ensuring that Montana’s conservation and management program keeps the wolf off the federal endangered species list while pursuing a wolf population level below current numbers to manage impacts on game populations and livestock.

via Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks :: Wolf Program.

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