Most LAZY Ranchers would disagree with Mark L Coates Rancher

In Oppose Welfare Ranching, Protect The Wolves, Sacred Resource Protection Zone by TwowolvesLeave a Comment

protect the wolves, OR7

TRAINING CATTLE- Predator awareness

But Mark shows Ranchers what a Real Rancher not only is… but how 1 is supposed to work with Cattle. Marks participants had zero depredations in 2016! Something only a Real Rancher is capable of saying because he is not afraid to do the Work! We sat at a WDFW WAG meeting and listened to the moronic statements coming from the members on the WAG claiming that cattle cant be trained…. Guess what…. Your WRONG!

TRAINING CATTLE- Predator awareness
Mark L. Coats
In 2011, the wolf designated as OR7 entered into Siskiyou County, California. In
November of 2015, the first probable Wolf and livestock conflict occurred. The presence of the
wolf, which is protected by law and the Endangered Species Act, has created concerns for the
ranching community. Through research and practice, the method of predator awareness was
created. Even with successful performance, we are dealing with an apex predator and make no
guarantees for any solutions offered. Our ranges of Northern California and Southern Oregon,
are unlike the ranges of other areas that can support the herds existing in one continuous
group. Our ranges lend themselves to smaller groups spread over greater distances. That
requires our cattle to group in smaller numbers, and those groups must react as a defensive
herd, which can be an effective deterrent to the predators presence.

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