Now Cattlemen in Oregon Are Going to Kill Wolves from the Meacham Wolf Pack

In Protect The Wolves by LyndaLeave a Comment

PLEASE CALL GOVERNOR BROWN TODAY AT (503) 378-4582 and demand she refocus the Wildlife dept on protecting wildlife. The Wolf Conservation and Management Plan needs to be updated. Sample script provided at the very bottom.

On Thursday, Aug. 24, 2017

State wildlife officials have authorized the killing of two wolves from the Meacham wolf pack in Eastern Oregon after confirming four attacks on livestock. In fact, this time the state has also authorized an area rancher to kill wolves on private property. The two wolves could be killed either by the permitted rancher or by state wildlife officials.

The Meacham Pack was identified in 2014 in the southern portion of the Mt Emily Unit in Umatilla County, NE Oregon. There were five members in 2014 and seven the end of 2016. OR-26  is the breeding male and was born to the Mt Emily Pack.  Some may remember tragic news about OR-28 from Mt. Emily pack that was illegally killed in 2016 and OR-31 Pup, gray, male. Found shot dead illegally in 2015.  More in link provided.

Remote camera photo from July 21, 2013, documenting three pups in the newly formed Mt Emily pack. Photo courtesy of ODFW. Download high resolution image.

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife said non-lethal deterrents failed to prevent the Meacham Wolf Pack from attacking cattle and sheep on private land in Umatilla County. According to the agency, the rancher had removed carcasses that attract wolves. Shouldn’t they always do that? They said cattle were turned out to pasture on a new schedule meant to minimize conflict and employed a range rider. They believe that was actually sufficient. Did they have the proper fencing? Predator proof fencing does exist. Was there fladry? Studies show that fladry can deter wolves for several months. Where they putting the cattle in corrals at night? Using foxlights? There are many deterrents provided at no cost! Plus ranchers are reimbursed for losses! Killing is NEVER a solution! It has been proven time and time again that lethal management makes matters worse!

The bottom line is that wolves in Eastern Oregon never should have been delisted in the first place. The criteria for delisting was  4 breeding wolf pairs for three years in a row. A very low bar. They were delisted in 2015. The truth is–as long as wolves are not protected, ranchers will lack the incentive to use adequate non-lethal deterrence. ~A

OR Dept. of Fish and Wildlife recent wolf killing streak.
1st week of August: Kill two wolves from the Harl Butte pack.
3rd week of August: Kill two more wolves from the Harl Butte pack.
4th week of August: Kill two wolves from the Meacham pack.

Sample Script provided by Oregon Wild to take action by calling Governor Brown’ office at  (503) 378-4582 
My name is ____ and I am calling regarding the recent killing of two members of the Harl Butte wolf pack and ODFW’s decision today to kill two more members.  I am deeply disappointed and concerned. The outdated wolf plan needs to be updated so that critical issues like transparency, accountability, and deployment of non-lethal methods can be fully addressed.  The public deserves better for our wildlife. 

You can to follow up on your call by taking additional action, please send Governor Brown a letter using this link.


Pacific Wolf Family

Oregon Wild  


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