Observers say Alberta wolf kill to expand despite government denial | 570News

In Alberta Canada by TwowolvesLeave a Comment

This truly saddens me!! Caribou were fine before humans thought that they needed human protection… WHAT THE F$$$ ARE THEY THINKING? That they know how better than Mother nature? Who before humans ever showed up on this continent be it Canada or the USA were thriving all on their own…. What gives them the right?????


EDMONTON – Internal government reports say Alberta will have to expand its wolf kill to protect more threatened caribou herds living on ranges heavily disturbed by industry, despite official assurances that no such measures are planned.

Observers say the documents — obtained by The Canadian Press under freedom-of-information legislation — represent the true state of affairs as the province prepares to release range plans for it northern foothills.


They say any credible new plans will inevitably follow the recommendations to kill more wolves.



Observers say Alberta wolf kill to expand despite government denial | 570News.

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