Organizations that did or did not respond to our email asking for input on putting Our Trusts to Work

In Protect The Wolves, Protect The Wolves, Wolf News by TwowolvesLeave a Comment

protect the wolves, wolves, wolf, indian trust

Groups that are helping us to create a path for Action

For Your Information We began sending out emails seeking input on putting our Trust to work on March 8th thru about March 10th, The groups that have responded are Jonathan Ratner Western Watersheds Project,  Tim Preso Earth Justice, Zach Strong, NRDC, Nick Cadia, Cascadia, John Mellgren Western Environmental, and Lia Cheek with Endangered Species Coalition, and  Rob Klavins, Oregon Wild. Biologists we have had offer to assist are Carter Niemeyer, Alex Krevitz, Tony Povilitis, Center For Biological Diversity responded on 5/2 expressing an interest in joining.

From the above Jonathan Ratner responded quickly… with the desire to help us organize a legal minds conference where at the end of 3 days he feels confident that we will be able to put the Trusts to work.
Please Note: not every single group was emailed, if you are a group that was not emailed and have the desire to assist, please respond.

Please Consider reading our research and learning about what we are working towards.


Groups that couldn’t be bothered to respond.

For the Groups that couldnt be bothered to respond, that tells us one thing, that they do not want the focus removed from them. It is pretty sad that they can not step up like the groups above have done.

  Defenders of Wildlife, Wild Earth Guardians  couldn’t be Bothered to respond when we put out an email requesting legal minds input March 8th. I fail to see how they are so great… sorry… The read receipts were sent back without response. That in itself would show a prudent individual they truly only care about their own cause. The Decision is yours to make, will you continue to support groups that refuse work together because they do not have the same tools in their toolbox to create the strongest path? Or will you support those that do? Those Groups that did respond do clearly care about wildlife! 


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