Perhaps The Creators way of saying Leave my Wolves Alone They are Sacred!

In Ban Grazing Allotments, Oppose Welfare Ranching, Protect The Wolves by TwowolvesLeave a Comment

This is a message from the Creator for the Colville Tribe. “They need to stop slaughtering the Wolves that they are supposed to hold Sacred” –says the Creator.

Some People may not believe this but we do. The Colville Tribe is being messaged that the creator is Unhappy with their actions against what Traditional Native Americans Hold as Sacred!! Were I on the “Town Clouncil” as many Colville Elders refer to it, I think that they might want to consider listening in the Indian way, and forget about the infection of greed brought on by the Government. No We do not wish to see Peoples Property burned… but we also dont want to see a tribe disrespect what has been held as “Sacred since Time Immemorial”!

Williams Flats Fire burning 2,500 acres…

It didn’t take very long into August before the tri-county area had its first big smoke event. A 2,500-acre fire on the Colville Indian Reservation produced smoke that carried over Stevens County and surrounding areas Friday afternoon.

According to KXLY reports, one home was put under level 3 evacuation orders near Keller on the Colville Indian Reservation. Called the Williams Flats Fire, the blaze had sprouted up quickly and official count last night has 2,500 acres burned north of the Columbia River. It is within the Hellgate Game Preserve.

With a spat of thunderstorms sweeping through the area on Thursday night, the Stevens County Sheriff’s Office is asking people to report new fires or new smoke plumes if they see them. The office is asking people to call 911.

Source: Smoke from Colville Indian Reservation fire hits Stevens County – The Independent

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