Protect The Wolves® is more concerned with saving Wolves

In National by TwowolvesLeave a Comment

Protect The Wolves a Native American Religious nonprofit

Good Evening,

We are posting this information directed specifically at the person that sent a complaint to the Idaho Consumer Protection, for not being a nonprofit.

You should be ashamed of yourself!!

So now after having to waste phone call after phone call to prove that we are in fact legitimate with Kathleen Trevor Idaho Attorney General’s office….I suggest that you stay off of Wolf People’s Facebook Page and away from ours as well.

We are working 24/7 to make certain that these 23 wolves remain safe, which doesn’t leave any time to deal with stupidity such as this; clearly your agenda was to stop the relocation of the wolves which makes us question your motives!

Obviously you care nothing for wolves so please find some other way to entertain yourself as these wolves need our full attention and cannot wait for petty reports that hold no validity whatsoever as we have proven!!

Further claims of defamation will be dealt with in Court!

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