SE: Swedish wolf hunt put on hold after protests | Timber Wolf Information Network

In Sweden by Twowolves1 Comment

The decision by the County Administrative board to allow the cull of eight animals in the country was appealed by the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (Naturskyddsföreningen – SSNC), the Swedish Carnivore Association (SCA) and the WWF.

“This means that there will be no hunt starting on January 9th,” said Gunilla Skotnicka Ewing at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket) to the local Dalarnas Tidningar daily.

via SE: Swedish wolf hunt put on hold after protests | Timber Wolf Information Network.


  1. It should be noted however that this does ONLY apply to Dalarna County, not other counties. 24 wolves will be killed in Värmland County, and 12 in Örebro County, those hunts has been appealed but the Environmental Protection Agency ruled that those hunts are legal wheras the one in Dalarna County is not.

    Sweden, much like the United States, has many local governments, who decides hunting quotas.

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