Study: Wolves Not the Cause of Elk Population Decline in Wyoming | Outdoor Life

In Wyoming by TwowolvesLeave a Comment


Stop Hunting To restore Elk Population

In 2010 alone, Sport hunters killed 26,000 Elk, (That in itself is proof enough) yet they choose to blame wolves, this article shows solid proof that Wolves do not effect Elk herds…  Even has an Outfitter making the exact same statement!! Yeah for Ron Lineberger, someone with an intelligent opinion!! What will it take to get people to understand, that Humans are the Largest Killer?? They need to shut off hunting for 5 years everywhere to make a difference!

Any hunter who’s spent time in wolf country can attest to the predators’ influence. We see wolf tracks, find old kills, and often times we spot fewer game animals. But exactly how wolves affect big-game populations is still greatly unknown. Yeah, wolves eat elk. But, do they kill mostly adults or calves? Do they eat enough elk to wipe out a whole herd? Do they pressure elk into hiding in the timber or force them off their feeding patterns? Are wolves even one of the main factors in elk population dynamics? New research from the Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at the University of Wyoming is starting to shed light on some of these questions. After three years of studying the Clark’s Fork elk herd (about 5,000 animals) in northwest Wyoming, lead researcher Arthur Middleton found that wolves might not be as detrimental to elk populations as many outdoorsmen think.

Source: Study: Wolves Not the Cause of Elk Population Decline in Wyoming | Outdoor Life

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