STOP Ranchers from destroying your lands

Welfare Ranching: The Subsidized Destruction of the American West

In Advocacy Groups, National by Twowolves2 Comments

STOP Ranchers from destroying your lands

Welfare Ranching: The Subsidized Destruction of the American West

Guess who PAYS FOR THEM???? YOU DO!! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!!  Then they raise their prices…. I enjoyed seeing that Ranchers claims are nothing more than Myths!! They are Not Stewards of the ecosystem thats for certain!!

The majority of the American public does not know that livestock grazing in the arid West has caused more damage than the chainsaw and bulldozer combined. Welfare Ranching: The Subsidized Destruction of the American West is a seven-pound book featuring 346 pages of articles and photographs by expert authors and photographers on the severe negative impacts of livestock grazing on western public lands. Selected articles and photographs are available online below. You can also click here to buy Welfare Ranching at a discount.


Source: Welfare Ranching: The Subsidized Destruction of the American West