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Wolf returns to Klamath after N. California journey | Local News |

In California, Oregon by TwowolvesLeave a Comment

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After a quick jaunt into Northern California, OR-25 is back in Klamath County.

According to Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) Spokeswoman Michelle Dennehy, OR-25 entered California on Dec. 17. He returned to Oregon three weeks later on Jan. 16.

OR-25 is a 2 1/2-year-old male that made his first appearance in Klamath County in May, after he disbursed from northeast Oregon’s Imnaha Pack in March 2015. During his dispersal, OR-25 traveled through the Columbia Basin, the Southern Blue Mountains, and Northern and Central Cascade Mountains before settling in northeast of Klamath Falls.

OR-25 is believed to have attacked three calves on a private ranch near the upper Williamson River in late October or early November. One of the calves was killed; two were injured.

Dennehy said OR-25 went south from its ODFW designated Area of Known Wolf Activity to California mostly staying in Klamath County and only moving into Lake County a couple times. His path back north stayed in Klamath County.

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