Stop B.C. from Aerial shooting of wolves

Wolf Slaughter Canadian Style Continues as if It’s Conservation: Let’s Stop It Now !!

In Alberta Canada, BC Canada, Canada by TwowolvesLeave a Comment

Stop B.C. from Aerial shooting of wolves

We need to TAKE ACTION NOW! Dont let CANADA Murder any WOLVES! Support Friends of The WOLF Cause to get Paws on The Ground AT every threat to Wolves.

Of course, there are also supporters of this premeditated slaughter including John Bergenske of Kootenay-based conservation group Wildsight  (see also ). And, “the Peace Rod and Gun Club  and others have announced a contest with prizes that include $1,000 for the largest wolf killed and $150 for the smallest, with a maximum of three dead wolves per contestant.” However, Ian McAllister of

Pacific Wild, says the hunt is illega l.

When people ask me how this murder can happen and be casually and heartlessly defended as if it is clearly okay to wantonly kill wolves, I simply say, as I have before, that some people simply like to kill other animals for fun  and will defend their murderous ways however it suits them.

I find this slaughter “in the name of conservation” or “in the name of anything” to be indefensible scientifically and also ethically. It really is morally repugnant, and I hope people will respond to the numerous petitions  to stop this murder (see also ). Cruelty can’t stand the spotlight.

via Wolf Slaughter Canadian Style Continues as if It’s Conservation: Let’s Stop It Now | Marc Bekoff.

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