Protect The Wolves

Wolves and moose make music together on Isle Royale

In IUCNCongress, Protect Michigan Wolves, Protect The Wolves by Twowolves1 Comment

Protect The Wolves

On Isle Royale a group of scientists have studied the wolves, the moose and the climate for 58 years. Did you know you can dance to their findings?

This project, which took months to produce, is now available online at It’s an Internet version of an art project by students at Michigan Tech.

Back in 2014, those students decided to turn data into music. They thought local data would resonate, and they turned to one of the best-known, long-standing collections of data in the area.

That would be the information gathered for the Isle Royale Wolf-Moose Project, which today is managed by Vucetich.

Vucetich and people before him since 1958 have studied the predator-prey relationship on the remote island between the animals, the way climate affects things and the rise and fall of the populations. Along the way, they’ve meticulously logged data.

The students — Paul Kirby, Thomas Conran, Collin Doerr-Newton, and Mason Pew — decided their project could be another way for people to learn about the work on the island.

Source: Wolves and moose make music together on Isle Royale


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