WY: Wolf numbers climb | Timber Wolf Information Network

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I am still trying to figure out how it is possible… after all of the wolves they have killed…. that it is even humanly possible for them to say that numbers are rising….. BLOWS MY MIND! Who is it that wants us to think they are getting better I ask you….?

Wyoming’s wolf population grew by 9 percent in 2014, an increase that is in line with the region wide trend in the Northern Rocky Mountains.

During the year that Wyoming’s wolf hunts were canceled by court order, in September, the total number of known wolves statewide grew to 333, according a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service report released Friday.

Even with hunting out of the equation last fall, a major increase in the still-protected population was never anticipated, said Mike Jimenez, Fish and Wildlife’s Northern Rocky Mountain wolf coordinator.

“Just because you’re not having a hunting season doesn’t mean the population is going to take off or anything,” Jimenez said. “It’s a pretty small impact.

“The hunting season is not a huge source of mortality,” he said.

Even in 2013, when wolf hunts were in place throughout the year, statewide lobo numbers increased 10 percent to 306. The count was 277 animals at the end of 2012, and stood at 328 at the end of 2011 — a year in which wolves were similarly protected from hunters’ bullets and traps.

Across the West, the wolf population grew more than 6 percent last year, from 1,691 to 1,802, according to the Fish and Wildlife’s regional report. Each Western state released its annual report concurrently Friday.

via WY: Wolf numbers climb | Timber Wolf Information Network.

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