Protect Wolves

Yellowstone National Park Bison Sent to Slaughter .. where are the Wolves?

In Yellowstone National Park by TwowolvesLeave a Comment


More proof, that humans mismanage wildlife! Same story with elk… farmers are asking idaho officials to kill elk…  Oh wait…Had they not killed Yellowstones strongest wolf packs…. Perhaps they wouldnt have this issue!

Protect The Wolves

YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK – Up to an estimated 900 bison will be slaughtered this winter. The culling plan calls for the majority of the bison targeted for death to be turned over American Indian tribes to be slaughtered and a small amount to be killed by hunters.

The culling plan is part of the Interagency Bison Management Plan (IBMP) to appease the worries of ranchers located in Montana who fear bison will become infected with the bacterial disease brucellosis, which causes miscarriages in cattle. The fear is the disease potentially could be transmitted to their herds.

The two tribal affiliates shipping bison to slaughter for the second year in a row are the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes and the federally chartered Inter-Tribal Buffalo Council, which is headquartered in Rapid City, South Dakota.

There is opposition to the slaughter by conservation groups.

via Yellowstone National Park Bison Sent to Slaughter  — Up to 900 Expected to be Slaughtered This Winter.

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