Albert Einstein’s Definition of Insanity

In Protect The Wolves, Protect Yellowstones Wolves, Sacred Resource Protection Zone by Twowolves4 Comments

yellowstone wolves, sacred resource protection zone, protect the wolves

Buffer Zone =

The Definition of Insanity


Some might wonder why that is… How many Years have large NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) worked at establishing their so-called Buffer Zones?

Albert Einstein is broadly credited with exclaiming “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”. In theory does it really make a difference that there is no proof that Einstein actually put forth this expression;  This expression has been quoted more times than can be counted so people must believe it holds some weight when it comes to  logical thinking.

Yet these large NGOs continue on expecting different results, (Refer to Albert Einstein’s Definition of Insanity) even though states like Montana have established legislation to stop their so-called “Buffer Zones”. We applaud their efforts, however it seems it is time to change the approach if We as the “Public” expect to see different results, wouldn’t you say?

Protect The Wolves™ is offering you a new path and direction towards working towards protecting your Children’s Resources.

Will Yellowstone Wolves be available for your Grandchildren to view? Doubtful if We do not mobilize as 1 Howl Today!

With your help we can work towards insuring that they are! Help us to put The Indian and Public Trusts to work Today

With your support We can begin working towards establishing Our Proposed “Sacred Resource Protection Zone”

Act now before they wipe out the rest of your Children’s wolves, grizzlies, bison, and wild horses to name a few at

Wyoming Fish and Game needs to be contacted, they run Trophy zones 6 and 7 then 8, 9 and 11 together on the same lines. There is no way to monitor they do not exceed Harvest Quotas

Everyday Possible Yellowstone Wolves are being needlessly slaughtered in Wyoming, and need our Proposed “Sacred Resource Protection Zone”, along with proposed regulation changes.

  Help us to put The Indian and Public Trusts to work Today, before they wipe out the rest of Your Yellowstone wolves, grizzlies, wild horses.

Please Consider Joining Our Voice to establish a “Sacred Resource Protection Zone” Surrounding National Parks in Blood thirsty states of Wyoming, Idaho and Montana to begin with.

As of December 1st 2018 The total now appears to be 35 possible Yellowstone National Park wolves that have been slaughtered in 2018 alone. Altogether 71 of Our Children’s Wolves thus far in 2018 with 35 yes we said 35 Possible Yellowstone Wolves from the Trophy Zones surrounding Our National Parks and 36 wolves are from the general Slaughter Zone in this Bloodthirsty State!

Keep in mind that  these are just the Wolves that have been reported killed by Hunters! Does not take into account all that people chose not to report as they are required!! Nor does it Include USDAs Goon Squad killings of Wolves.

Please consider becoming a Paid Member with Just $1.00 per month, so We are able to call these crooked states out in COURT. We have the Research, the tools, the Attorneys, only missing Ingredient is 57,000 plus followers.

Take Back the Power that You as the public hold!

What will it take for the Government to Realize that Wyoming has once again proven they are incapable of managing The Public’s Federal Resources?


At an Alarming Rate!!!!


  1. Pingback: Albert Einstein’s Definition of Insanity | Protect The Wolves

  2. Stop the killing now!!No more Trophy hunting no more contest no more trappers Save our wild life!!Stay away from our Public lands Protect those with out voices!!!!

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