Colville Tribe puts black eye on Traditional Native American Religious Beliefs

In Protect The Wolves, Sacred Resource Protection Zone, Sacred Species by Twowolves1 Comment

protect the wolves, sacred species

Having family that are Colville members, We are ashamed to call this a Native American Tribe!

The Colville Tribe should certainly be ashamed of themselves!! They have placed a big black eye on Traditional Native American Religious Beliefs! Why is it their Business Council seems to be infected by the ways of the White man? We have also been informed of this by several of the Elders that we speak with regularly as a matter of fact!

The Traditional Elders We have personally spoke with within this Tribe do not agree with the killing of Wolves Period! Further they tell Us that the Young Council members are infected by the greed of the white man forgetting their Traditional Ways!

It is a sad day when Tribes slaughter those that have been sacred to Native Americans since time immemorial proven through the stories told Us even by the Colville Tribes very own Elders.

It is Tribes like this that cast a shadow over Traditional Native Americans.


  1. I have said the following. Native Americans understood they were part of nature and respected the environment and all animals. Then we white men came, thought we were separate from and decided to conquer nature and we’re on our way to destroying the planet. I ask you who were and are the more civilized?
    The Colville tribe is proving to be the exception. Your cruel inhumanity and total uncaring disregard for wolves and other wildlife is disgusting.
    Humans are the species that is drastically overpopulating and destroying the planet. How about a killing contest of hunters and saving the innocent animals. Hunting each other would offer more challenging prey. It would be a win-win-win, getting rid of some evil monsters, helping the planet, reducing the population a little, and saving innocent animals, and maybe even preventing some of these bloodthirsty monsters from killing innocent people also. Animals exhibit more humanity than many or most people. They don’t murder for pleasure and trophies, and don’t set cruel snares, often baited, which cause painful deaths to wildlife and pets alike. The lead ammunition does further environmental damage often poisoning endangered species such as condors and eagles, and entering the water and food chain.

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