Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day — Tom Casperson

In IUCNCongress, Profanity Peak Pack, Save The Profanity Peak Pack by TwowolvesLeave a Comment

Sacred Animals and "The Public Trust Doctrine"

Presently, Protect The Wolves believes alot of the stories coming out of Washington State are along the same lines as this fictitious story… What do you Think??

Of course, this isn’t the only time Casperson has had a major gaffe on the floor of the State Senate. Back in 2013, he gave a fictionalized account where he claimed a pre-school had been beset by three wolves “multiple times” just after children had come in from the playground.  The original story involved zero children, and only one wolf. Casperson was forced to apologize, but based on his speech, the legislature already had voted to send a resolution to Congress try and get gray wolves removed from the Endangered Species List because they were “so dangerous”.

If you’re still not getting the idea, Casperson is also a Birther, who in an interview on a local radio show talked about how he “wasn’t sure if President Obama was born in the United States”, and felt there was some bias, and that if the same controversy had surrounded, say, President Bush, the media would have never let it go. Which is so comically stupid I don’t even know how to shoot it down.

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