Governor Gordon Please feed The Jackson Elk Herd before they die from deep snowfall

In Oppose Welfare Ranching, Protect The Wolves, Sacred Resource Protection Zone by Twowolves3 Comments

From A Dedicated Volunteer in Wyoming:

Wyoming Governor Elect Mark Gordon’s Office
Hathaway Building, 1st Floor, Suite 127
2300 Capitol Avenue
Cheyenne 82002-2060


There will be no Elk left for Our Predators or Your Hunters if you fail to act!

Dear Governor Gordon,

I emailed my concerns to you yesterday in regard to the fact that the Jackson Elk Herd is confined to the NER and the fact that current climatic conditions require their supplemental feed, and the fact that unfortunately now may be too late as it was in the winter 2017. Please refer to the September Cole Report attached.
I am a veteran criminal defense attorney, 30 years in Wyoming and 9 years previous in Alameda and San Joaquin Counties in CA, crime capitals. I know for a fact that if a rancher or horseman left his cattle or any other stock without feed when confined under these conditions he/she would be charged in WY with the crime of animal abuse under Title 11.
Now we have the WGFD in concert with the NER biologist deciding the fate of our elk herd. The NER biologist Eric Cole has openly and notoriously lobbied the public to tolerate and support starving the elk on the refuge. See the synopsis of his science school talk in 2014, attached. Please know this I know not one citizen of the state of Wyoming who supports or tolerates starving the elk, confined and wintering on the NER. I know many who are in strong opposition to this inhumane and unconscionable treatment of our wildlife, which is to the demise of our herd.  Three of us, all from very different camps in terms of Wyoming Wildlife met with WGFD biologist Allyson Courtemanch last April in an attempt to understand the alleged count of the Jackson Herd on the refuge last winter and in an attempt to understand the modified, without public input, recipe on when to feed. We left disheartened that we received not one reliable fact in either regard.
Please as you contemplate who should be the next director of the WGFD, carefully weigh all of the serious issues in regard to Wyoming Wildlife and please choose a director we can trust to manage our wildlife based upon fact and science and not politics and propaganda.  Which means, in addition to a proper feeding schedule, please discern, how many elk are in the Jackson Herd? We are entitled to 11,000 elk or a fully informed public process, pursuant to the 2007 ROD, BEMP.
Please give serious consideration to the fact that the elk on the NER are not receiving supplemental feed at this critical time. In the last 48 hours the valley floor has received at a minimum 3 feet of snow. I live closer to the airport we received 4 feet. It is a very dense and heavy snow pack. Thank you for your consideration in this regard and please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Regards,  Deidre


  1. Feed the elk already. How cruel can we make this? They were “trained” to come here. Do some good for our state!

  2. A refuge is, by definition, supposed to be a place of safety, is it not? Keeping the elk confined without feeding them, and allowing hunting to take place within the refuge seems to contradict the goal entirely. Either take down the fences, or feed them. Please.

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