WDFW Commissioner meeting suggestions.

In IUCNCongress, Pinnacle Wolf Pack, Profanity Peak Pack, Save The Profanity Peak Pack by TwowolvesLeave a Comment

Protect The Wolves

Protect The Wolves® is seeking your suggestions

on which of their remaining meeting to attend. If we are able, We would like to attend both of these Meetings 😉 Let us know your thoughts so that we can begin to publicize the Event. We need an even Larger presence this time and I will ask all that Participated in the Last Meeting to attended the Important Commissioners meeting 😉 Their Slaughtering of our Sacred Wildlife must be stopped at all costs.

Apparently the WDFW Commissioners cancelled their September meeting on the 23rd and 24th….. Some would have to ask themselves why? Were they concerned that we were already in the area????

September 23-24CancelledMeeting
October 7To be determinedConference call
October 21To be determinedConference call
November 4-5To be determinedOlympiaMeeting
December 9-10To be determinedOlympiaMeeting


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