Hold hunters liable for shooting bears Letters | missoulian.com

In Protect Sacred Yellowstone Grizzlies, Protect The Wolves, Sacred Resource Protection Zone by Twowolves1 Comment

Letters to The Editor:

You The hunter. You bring your weapon into the back yard of the grizzly, seeking your own right to kill and harvest deer and elk meat. You do this because you don’t know better. You’ve been trained for it,(yeah right) and lack the consciousness to see it otherwise.

You are out in the grizzly’s back yard hunting deer and elk, and a grizzly greets you. You shoot him because of your fear — your lack of preparation — your lack of awareness. You lack the very skills you claim. Your bullet ends the life of someone you killed in his own back yard.

You feel justified — tough— skilled — when all you are is a colonialist with a gun. So you keep on taking the land from the Other. Eat his meat. Drink his dairy. Soil it with your male aggression because you could not possibly be wrong.

If you are in bear country you should be liable for the grizzly you murder because your father did not teach you well!


Source: Hold hunters liable for shooting bears | Letters | missoulian.com


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