yellowstone wolves

Of 37 Total Needlessly killed, 18 were Possible YELLOWSTONE Park Wolves Needlessly SLAUGHTERED

In Protect The Wolves by Twowolves6 Comments

yellowstone wolves




AS OF 10/4/2017 at 3pm

We asked for your support back in May for our Sacred Resource Protection Zone… Now Wolves are dying, crying out for you to Join Our Voice to establish a Sacred Resource Protection Zone Surrounding National Parks in the Blood thirsty state of Wyoming a total of it appears 37 wolves altogether 18 from the Trophy Zone, 19 from the general Slaughter Zone in this Bloodthirsty State!
Please consider becoming a Paid Member so We are able to call these crooked states out in COURT. We have the Research, the tools, the Attorneys, only missing Ingredient is 57,000 plus followers. Help Us to put The Indian and Public Trusts to work Today, before they wipe out the rest of our wolves, grizzlies, wild horses.



  1. This is unacceptable,it’s time to stop purchasing beef and dairy and put an end to trophy hunting! Whose heads r u going to mount when the animals r gone,it’s a disgusting addiction all of it. None of it is necessary,not beef,dairy nor head!

    1. Author

      That would be great if it would stop the Slaughter of our Wolves, but the only thing that will is direct action through Court 😉 Which is possible with all 57,000 plus followers to commit to just $5.00 per month. Then we will be able to do what no other large group can… simply because they do not have the same Religious or Treaty Rights that we do.

  2. We need to solve the people problem, eliminate those that refuse to live and let live. There is no right to slaughter other sentient living things and it is our obligation to defend their victims.

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