Woman to close to Black bear and cubs

People need to respect Wildlife in Yellowstone

In Yellowstone National Park by Twowolves1 Comment



Wildlife in Yellowstone: Humans

Woman to close to Black bear and cubs Bad behavior exhibited by humans not wildlife in our National Parks! People somehow continue with their poor decision-making with no Regard for Wildlife inside of YNP.  Author Lee H. Whittlesey can forget adding a chapter or two to his 1995 and 2014 editions of Death in Yellowstone . with the intelligence of Park visitors that has recently been observed. By the time 2016’s summer season is over, Lee will have material for a whole ‘new book!

After a bison abduction and a Canadian ballet across the Prismatic Springs officially opened the 2016 season of foolhardiness, Yellowstone officials are dealing with additional incidents involving accidents, injury, and close encounters of the furred kind.

Seconds after being warned by wildlife guide Jody Tibbitts, a woman was charged by a pissed off elk on May 29. She biffed it before the elk made contact, regained her feet, and scrambled back to her car. (player.vimeo.com/video/168702823)

A 13-year-old boy was hospitalized at St. John’s Medical Center with burns after his father, who was carrying him, slipped and dumped the kid into Castle Geyser. Last week, 62-year-old Australian man was sent soaring after venturing within three feet of a bison.

Earlier, on May 15, a 16-year-old Taiwanese teen was gored by a bison while posing with the buffalo. Another visitor was also spotted and photographed by a Billing’s Gazette reporter approaching dangerously close to a black bear and her cubs last week.

Source: THEM ON US 6.8.16 – Planet Jackson Hole


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