Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation a Sad Organization

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Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation once upon a time actually cared about Conservation of all wildlife.

We will not forget, and will continue to educate people about their new stance on wildlife. Dont forget they lost one of their most Prominent Awards, does anyone know what it was, as well as who it was from? They Didnt loose the award by being Conservation Minded ! Now it seems they only care about Hunters being able to Slaughter Elk! They used to have a page that claimed the below fact of 10 Million Elk, but the same page also said the US also had over 2 million wolves… Well, when RMEF leadership was taken over by a bloodthirsty individual, that particular page disappeared. On that Page RMEF also stated that all wildlife populations were Healthier prior to ‘European” settlement of the United States….

I have a copy of that page somewhere on 1 of my old computers, but it doesnt matter because it wont change the organization RMEF has turned into…  .Even if I cant locate it, Protect The Wolves knows, because they actually saw the web page. We think its important that everyone know what their opinion once was as opposed to now. I see in todays excerpt, they removed their statement where they claimed wildlife was healthier before Euro settlement… The ones of us that actually researched topics though, should remember what their site said…

The below excerpt came from RMEF website today:

Elk Range and Habitat


  • Prior to European settlement, more than 10 million elk roamed nearly all of the United States and parts of Canada
  • Today, about one million elk live in the western United States, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia and North Carolina, and from Ontario west in Canada

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