Wolf Coyote Comparison

Why Such a Fuss Over Coyote Contests? DUUHHH Blind Hunters!!

In Wisconsin by TwowolvesLeave a Comment

Wolf Coyote Comparison

Because Hunters dont seem to be intelligent enough to tell the difference between Coyotes and Wolves…  Its not rocket science!!

Since my first outdoors assignment in May 1982, I’ve often been asked to preview upcoming hunting or fishing contests, or to grab a notebook and camera to cover the events for a newspaper’s next edition. I’ve snapped hundreds of “grip-and-grin” photos of happy anglers with winning carp, walleyes, muskies, bluegills, yellow perch, sheepshead, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, black crappies, white crappies, northern pike and Chinook salmon. For some reason, though, no one holds competitions for inland trout. Trout anglers simply don’t do such things.

Occasionally, I’ve also donated a few dollars to enter big-buck, late-season doe, or longest-beard turkey contests; as well as derbies for squirrels and cotton-tailed rabbits. I’ve even been invited to Western states—but never found the time—for prairie-dog shoots and one-shot antelope contests.

And during a recent weekend in January, I was asked to observe a coyote-hunting contest in Argonne, Wisconsin, but not by its organizers. That wasn’t surprising. Folks who coordinate coyote contests seldom invite media to cover their events. They know predator contests are controversial, even though they differ little from other fishing and hunting contests. They also know some fellow hunters oppose their contests, believing they poorly represent hunting. Still, organizers hold them anyway, and quietly use posters, social media and word-of-mouth to attract contestants.

Source: Why Such a Fuss Over Coyote Contests? – OutdoorHub

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